

September 2009 [5 entries]

August 2009 [4 entries]

July 2009 [8 entries]

  • 07.21.2009 texticle - the measure of ones audacity in text form. Often used to describe when one is particularly bold in email, text message, or IM.
    go Personal Siclets
  • 07.20.2009 Web Tools for testing and monitoring your site and has linked alphabetical index in case you aren't sure what all the terms mean.
    go Computer How-tos
  • 07.18.2009 dev.anything-digital makes sustainable gadgets for joomla
    go Computer How-tos
  • 07.15.2009 Future Perfect is a grammar and good writing site, that explains the rules in simple sentences with examples.
    go Writing
  • 07.13.2009 Tropes are storytelling devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations.
    go Writing
  • 07.10.2009 Emailers an example of a good one from Prospero and some notes about how to set Unsubscribe
    go Computer How-tos
  • 07.02.2009 Weekly Inquiry I decided I couldn't bear the shruggy attitude Facebook has to the abuse we suffer at the hands of third party applications, so I deleted them all. I said goodbye to some fun things that I couldn't harvest. I am still reeling from them removing the How did you meet section, which I had also wrangled to express me and had some amazing exchanges in. Thank goodness all my captions are safely stored with my pics in Picasa. A sad day when you don't trust your continued safe presence on Facebook.
    go Me
  • 07.01.2009 Quotations I like flowed over from Facebook.
    go Me

June 2009 [7 entries]

  • 06.26.2009 Baobabes is the logo of a Facebook group for a South African women's business network.
    go Graphic design
  • 06.24.2009 Winston Smith. I liked his metadiscription: modus operandi since the 1970's has been to kidnap "innocent" images from the pages of vintage magazines and then to diabolically glue them...
    go Art
  • 06.22.2009 provides some sex statistics. Link sent to me by someone out there. Thanks Rebecca.
    go Statistics
  • 06.17.2009 Rude Girl Records logo - you don't have to be an artist to make an impactful logo.
    go Graphic design
  • 06.10.2009 Compliments were added to my CV, piecemeal but steady as she goes.
    go CV Compliments
  • 06.04.2009 Holiday logos - don't take your logo so seriously, let it be playful. Google has great logo-sensibility (for a company that has devalued 'pretty' so consciously)
    go Graphic design
  • 06,01.2009 Get closure is a free South African complaint service, they follow it up.
    go South Africa

May 2009 [5 entries]

April 2009 [8 entries]

  • 04.21.2009 How to code an email from HTML is a record of how I coded my email address down below
    go Computer How-tos
  • 04.20.2009 Mental Floss Fact Generator is addictive. You know those rats that sit on the lever delivering stimulus, here is the human version
    go Infoholism
  • 04.20.2009 Flickr Trends is fun, key in any two words to see a comparison between the amount of words tagged with those two words. Dog and Cat resulted in a huge spike for Cat since the Credit Crunch. Hopefully this is a sign of more independent times.
    go Infoholism
  • 04.16.2009 Peter Funch takes pictures over time, from the same vantage point in New York, and then Photoshops them together. Very intriguing conceptual results. Painting with time.
    go Art
  • 04.16.2009 Thomas Doyle has a piece called Acceptable Losses piece in the Distillation Series. How little is too little? Nice concept.
    go Art
  • 04.31.2009 Jumptags has an expressive logo, they make tag clouds.
    go Graphic design
  • 04.31.2009 BWSEO a breathtaking collection of gadgetry for webmasters
    go Computers Info
  • 04.31.2009 Dalai Lama website is the most beautiful, the most functional site I have seen in a long time
    go Computers Beauty

February 2009 [1 entry]

  • 02.04.2009 Amphibian Ark watches over a species the dinosaurs saw come and go. Frogs are now threatened with extinction. Stop!
    go Graphic design

January 2009 [2 entries]

December 2008 [1 entry]

November 2008 [1 entry]

October 2008 [4 entries]

September 2008 [1 entry]

  • 09.06.2008 textual harassment - so ironic.
    go Siclets

August 2008 [2 entries]

  • 08.28.2008 needyocrity in a needyocracy - I COINED THESE. Urban Dictionary included them! I just googled these and found nothing! I haven't even checked the other siclets, but they aren't as cute soundwise... This is a moment!
    go Siclets
  • 08.04.2008 Dripbook is a portfoliosite for visual designers. Like Face, only Drip, and pay.
    go Computers Beauty

July 2008 [6 entry]

  • 07.15.2008 Missing, by Everything but the Girl - sometimes I just replay it over and over and over and over.
    go Songs I like
  • 07.15.2008 Girlfriend is better, by Talking Heads only half as much, which is a lot.
    go Songs I like
  • 07.09.2008 W.I.T.C.H., Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell, Women Inspired to Tell their Collective History, Women Interested in Toppling Consumer Holidays, among other variations.
    go Feminism Rolemodel
  • 07.07.2008 Liliypad, a floating Ecopolis, by Vincent Callebaut Architectures on Pixelabs website. These graphic illustrations of floating cities really caught my imagination.
    go Art
  • 07.07.2008 Shakesville response to hate-mail. Man vs Woman.
    go Feminism Rolemodels
  • 07.03.2008 Constant Contact logo, although not directly selected, is the first contribution by one of my readers. Thanks Stephen.
    go Graphic design

June 2008 [1 entry]

March 2008 [7 entries]

  • 03.28.2008 Parkeharrison have an effficient way of letting you prechoose which picture to look at in their collection. It's swf - ahh, it has it's uses. Not just a pretty face.
    go Web innovations
  • 03.25.2008 Google Operating System is an unofficial blog that watches Google's latest attempts to move your operating system online.
    go Web innovations
  • 03.20.2008 Pipl is a people finder that includes fascinating statistics about the social networking sites.
    go Infoholism
  • 03.20.2008 Jobmasters has the look, their website look and feel is perfect for their function. Matched to perfection. And very pretty... design a bit been-there, but I can handle that!
    go Infoholism
  • 03.12.2008 Shoebox - a tiny little division of Hallmark. Some of the Hallmark myths shatter... kablink!
    go Infoholism
  • 03.12.2008 Truth and its consequences. First I found out that the internet is chockablock full of Truth and then I found out why.
    go Funny stuff
  • 03.05.2008 Website gallery collects pretty sites
    go Computers Beauty

February 2008 [2 entries]

  • 02.22.2008 The Rules, a concise compilation of the rules that Dan Savage has set up. Beware this link does NOT have an R rating.
    go Dan Savage
  • 02.22.2008 Rackspace logo adds that On The Rack meaning.... made me smile.
    go Innovative logos

January 2008 [1 entry]

December 2007 [3 entries]

November 2007 [4 entries]

October 2007 [3 entries]

September 2007 [3 entries]

August 2007 [2 entries]

July 2007 [9 entries]

May 2007 [6 entries]

May 2007 [5 entries]

April 2007 [1 entry]

March 2007 [6 entries]

February 2007 [4 entries]

  • 02.24.2007 Siclets got photochopping.
    go Siclets
  • 02.23.2007 Internet phenomena is a place where you can keep track of extraordinary internet events.
    go Computer information
  • 02.22.2007 Gadgeter is a place for all sorts of goodies that one doesn't really need, but one would buy the entire stock of if one won the lottery. For the poverty struck it is just a place to spend hours indulging infoholism.
    go Infoholism
  • 02.02.2007 Xupacabras. Some of these photos are disturbing, and intense.
    go Art

January 2007 [2 entries]

December 2006 [1 entry]

November 2006 [10 entries]

October 2006 [6 entries]

  • 10.27.2006 Silicone, the future of porn.
  • 10.19.2006 The Feminist Art Project is a university initiative to collect feminist contributions to art, if you have something to link to, they add you. You can stamp your work as having feminist intent and thereby have a visual reference to a collective collaboration to envisage. They put you on the online calendar.
  • 10.10.2006 15 Examples of thinking Outside the Box - also known as Creative Problem Soving.
  • 10.06.2006 - the more I look at it the more I see how cleverly it is set up for safety - go have a look - I am going to be making a list today of all the brilliant points about this site that matches interests to interests not people to people and creates groups - I love the programming synchronising seamlessly with the intent, it's poetry.
  • 10.06.2006 Dan Savage warns men about hormones in urine.
  • 10.05.2006 Siclets. Dan Savage unwittingly contributed to my siclets with knuckle-draggers - an expression suggesting the level of evolution of Republican-esque-ers.

September 2006 [14 entries]

  • 09.19.2006 Fontifier lets you have a font of your own writing in a few minutes for only $9 - step-by-step instructions.
  • 09.19.2006 Ronnie Del Carmen draws and self-publishes the comic cartoon Paper Biscuit. Her protagonist is a young girl, who actively engages her dreamworld.
  • 09.18.2006 CrankDotNet collects, daily, the nuts out there and then ranks their nuttiness. Here is the A-Z.
  • 09.18.2006 The Straight Dope is a guy, who once a day, answers a trivial question, wittily. Here is the straight dope on aphids being born pregnant.
  • 09.18.2006 Rotten Dead Pool is really macabre but clearly organised. I couldn't click, what if it happened that I click and the guy dies, ag nee! But for all those thousands who have clicked, it is a poll of people that don't believe that if a butterfly shits...
  • 09.15.2006 Lesbian Avengers are an advocacy group promoting lesbian roles in politics in America. And they exclude men.
  • 09.15.2006 The Contagious Media Project, launches funny or interesting memes and see how far they spread, spurring on the competition with the Contagious Media Award - first prize $2000. Currently, Panty Spyware - Forget Me Not Panties - that you buy your cheating wife, to monitor her, is the winner with 615,562 unique visitors.
  • 09.12.2006 A fairy tale, doing the email rounds.
  • 09.12.2006 World of Wonder is a place to hang out with a bunch of people who have a witty and wild imagination. Whoops, it's a kind a TV station that we are being denied.
  • 09.12.2006 Seinfeld, a run down written by a bunch of fanatics on the Wikipedia.
  • 09.11.2006 21s lists - a tribute to my passion for Irving Wallace's books of lists.
  • 09.04.2006 Save the whales - you don't have to hand over your email address.
  • 09.04.2006 Dan Savage tells a lesbian off through her sister, "Her husband is suffering, her kids are suffering—why the fuck shouldn’t she?"
  • 09.04.2006 Dan Savage says it seems that a woman," can be eating pussy at 18, sucking cock at 28, and having her cock sucked at 38."

August 2006 [10 entries]

  • 08.30.2006 Michael Leunig describes his approach as regressive, messy and vaudevillian. An artistified cartoonist. Like comedians, cartoonists tell the truth, only with drawings not words.
  • 08.30.2006 Pretoria, I added the annual New Signatures art exhibition that takes place at the Pretoria Art Museum during August and September.
  • 08.23.2006 Chet Zar draws and paints darkly. Fantasy. An interesting navigation system. Does creature design and modelling for the movies.
  • 08.22.2006
    Mona Lisa with overlays made of cultural re-iconoclasm. Just as we can perpetrate culture on the pretty blonde doll whose name we cannot mention without the Mcompany coming down on us like the megalithic monopoly they are, so can Mona Lisa be tackled - she is not owned by a corporation - yet.
  • 08.22.2006 Unfocused, lewd, silly... points out oddnesses
  • .08.15.2006 Crime is killing South Africa is a site dedicated to the war at home. Also, I have to include it just to keep a record of what our (M)inister of (S)ecurity says. Petitions, latest bungles, polls, tip off or tell your story.
  • 08.10.2006 Visual trivia makes Bush looks silly, swears, and sluts around.
  • 08.08.2006 Statistics on American attitudes to gay marriage.
  • 08.08.2006 Guy Stubbs, a South African photographer, has an eye. He has parlayed it into a commercial success, but the eye is fine.
  • 08.02.2006 Independent Gay Forum is a well-organised forum where articles are collected about gay issues, e.g. Defamation, CultureWatch, Sex Laws.

July 2006 [5 entries]

  • 07.17.2006 Goal Mapping - the practical workbook, by Brian Mayne has a few mantras for internalisation.
  • 07.15.2006 Community Organiser's Toolbox is a South African site ~ good to know.
  • 07.06.2006 Sicletsian Pottyfingers ~ Jean-Jaques Cornish on 702 Talk Radio called a listener Pottyfingers who sent him a moaningly dirty sms for discussion on the radio (probably because Cornish called a white person a racist).
  • 07.05.2006 Phrases that appeal to me gained HIV originally inloved homosexuals ~ interesting typo
  • 07.02.2006 SETAs are Skills Education and Training Authorities in South Africa. Born of our effort to fast track skills development because of our icky attitude about who was to be given an education during the apartheid days.

June 2006 [21 entries]

  • 06.28.2006 Phrases that appeal to me gained collaborating evidence
  • 06.28.2006 Movies got a moanful account of Over the Hedge.
  • 06.27.2006 Slouching Towards Gomorrah by Robert Bork ~ his Chapter 11 asserts that feminism has an inflated idea of the role that it played in the change in the circumstances of women in this century, and that feminists are destroying the relationship between man, woman and child. Chapter 11 sports hyperbole like saying that feminism can take its place among the other "intellectual barbarisms", ironically accuses Bella Abzug of "heated oratory" and generalises that the paragraph on the cover of NOW's magazine "expresses the rage, the nihilism, and the incoherence of feminism today". Good for a giggle.
  • 06.26.2006 Siclets addition: demand side aggregation ~ 'birds of a feather flock together' is one of my favorite life principles by the fascinating idea-generating Vinay Gupta in Personal Factor Four: Organizing Real Environmental Action With The Internet.
  • 06.26.2006 CGSociety hoards those who want to get into game art production, and it's amazing what lurks in their minds. Creativity run amok. Well made social media.
  • 06.22.2006 RITZ Toasted Chips has fun javascript coding. I like the floating George Hamilton and popping balloons.
  • 06.22.2006 Anne Geddes surprised me. I didn't think that baby pictures could be art, and from a commercial source nogal.
  • 06.09.2006 Always Curious is the photoblog site of Charlie O'Shields a photographer who photoblogs daily under auspicious headings ~ Mixed Marvels, Human Curiosities, et al. No hectic meanings, beautiful form.
  • 06.09.2006 Phrases that appeal to me gained curatorial agenda ~ strangely only 114 hits on Google for something that should be in the mission statement of every cultural organisation on the planet. All we need is something like this from Mireille Juchau.
  • 06.08.2006 South African cultural organisations, a linked list.
  • 06.08.2006 Tom Coates innovates. His thinking is innovative. Web commentator, watcher of web innovations. My latest addiction.
  • 06.08.2006 Pop Occult-ure has interviews with other Gnostics and the titles of the articles are brilliant ~Transhumanism Can Eat a Dick.
  • 06.08.2006 Curve is American, so is lesbian pop culture with a sprinkling (liberal) of activism. This is their article index and some of them are interesting, interviews and that kind of thing. We (South Africans) need one of these.
  • 06.08.2006 Pure-mac is a mac fanatic, writes reviews on gadgets, sites, whatever.
  • 06.08.2006 Brwyn Mawr has a Gender and Sexuality department that includes an Activism section, for meetings and activities. Scroll down to see the archives. I missed it.
  • 06.08.2006 Memepool is a place where the infoholics collect and share, the quirky, the bizarre and normality explained and shared.
  • 06.08.2006 Dave McKean creates disturbing art, for bookcovers, a distinct visual style with an attitude. He's chucked readability but has the style to get away with it. Serial killer art. Site by Bullets of Autumn.
  • 06.08.2006 Unmediated is a mediated collection of bits and pieces about computer-related news. For one day when I can do computers all day. Comprehensive fanatic.
  • 06.08.2006 The Seven Laws of Nutrition by Mike Adams tells you the bad news about all the weird-named things you are eating. Good for instantly putting you on a food-restriction diet. Efficient.
  • 06.02.2006 has an interesting structure, comprehensivity, about San Francisco.
  • 06.02.2006 Pruned is way not in my field of vision, about landscape design. But Alexander Trevi is so interesting, and has such a sense of aesthetic, I keep looking.

May 2006 [24 entries]

  • 05.31.2006 Imaginative Graphic Design now has a flying pig and an owl to contend with.
  • 05.29.2006 Phrases that appeal to me got annoying deceits that classes deceits as unimportant as gnat nibbling.
  • 05.25.2006 Flickr, my pictures
  • 05.25.2006 25 May - Douglas Adams Memorial Towel Day is the day his memorial took place after his death on 11 May 2001. To recognise Adams' invaluable contribution to the fine art of interstellar travel and the necessity to make the towel ubiquitous to travelling
  • 05.24.2006 Numerology Four - of course then I had to compare it.
  • 05.24.2006 Enneagram Type One is what I am, as if you hadn't guessed. Enneagrams are a kind of personality type, esoterically speaking.
  • 05.18.2006 British Library Images Online is a massive site where you can buy images from books.
  • 05.18.2006 Phrases that appeal to me got hostile dwellers (South African accents are fertile ground for a semi-malapropism.)
  • 05.17.2006 Vuka Awards are local South African awards given in the advertising industry.
  • 05.16.2006 Airbag is a webdesigner and journalist that blogs his thoughts about design and information architecture and his advanced learning curve. Very pretty.
  • 05.16.2006 Adobe tutorials page, for checking in now and then.
  • 05.16.2006 Internet Archive is a digital library of Internet sites, movies, sound files.
  • 05.16.2006 Mumpsimus blogs about reading and writing - and boy does Mathew Cheyney do a ton of reading and writing. See his list of Internet resources. SuperFanatic.
  • 05.16.2006 Voila is a collection of vintage pornography, old postcards, drawings and paintings.
  • 05.16.2006 Pornokrates is a collection of porn from ancient times, er, before the camera.
  • 05.15.2006 used to be this amazing site of wandering connections. It sortof still is. It's been reconfigured in some way. But there is a certain interconnectedness still.
  • 05.12.2006 Extra Ugly does T-Shirts. They did Dan Savage's GGG (Good, Giving, Game) T-Shirts. The one that caught my eye was 'Look at my TITS when you tell me that'.
  • 05.12.2006 Museum of Sex is very slick, pun intended.
  • 05.12.2006 Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco is a club where people can attend lectures on sex, participate in workshops on sex, and get demonstrations of truly bizarre toys. The explicitness of the meetings is rated in 'firecracker units'. And I live here.
  • 05.10.2006 'Tossers', the etymology. Who would have thought?
  • 05.04.2006 Jennifer Schumaker -- is a lesbian rolemodel because she is walking over 500 miles, from San Diego to San Francisco to bring visibility to gay, bisexual and transgendered people. My new section for: Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
  • 05.04.2006 Dategirl is a columnist that often provides marvelous fodder for anti-patriarchy arguments.
  • 05.03.2006 Frappr maps are Google maps that show where your friends are. Go add yourself to mine, or make your own... Why not?
  • 05.03.2006 Santorumus cleanupus - but I suggest you spare yourself. Savagery.

April 2006 [20 entries]

  • 04.25.2006 Proof of global warming
  • 04.25.2006 QUEER Festival is a DIY festival held yearly in July where you can explore queer culture, politics and activism.
  • 04.19.2006 Graphic design beauty gained a few logos
  • 04.19.2006 Palm readings ~ I have punched up my offer to read your palms. (Later: And then I had to punch it down due to overwhelming response. Sorry. I will be back.)
  • 04.13.2006 Statistics, the life of a woman 2006.
  • 04.13.2006 One Eyed Films presents flash with a concept, rare but true.
  • 04.13.2006 Bad Gas collects fetidly on this vile, vulgar and disgusting website. This is evidence of the yukky stuff that fascinates. BEWARE. Seriously, BEWARE.
  • 04.13.2006 Gero is a caricaturist, in coloured pencil, a website that self-identifies, simple and well-organised.
  • 04.12.2006 Irit Noble is wildly untameable and believes that comedians have to be the truth-sayers and the make-fun-ners of the unchangers.
  • 04.11.2006 Avril Lavigne is known for her "skater punk" persona. Rebeldeyay.
  • 04.11.2006 John Cusack lets us maintain our illusions by staying out the of the tabloids. If he can do it, so can all the others.
  • 04.10.2006 commissions and supports net art.
  • 04.10.2006 Art is not a Crime: Solidarity with Steve Kurtz & critical art ensemble. Here is mine.
  • 04.10.2006 The Upside of Anger. There's a speech that Kevin Costner makes about how you know where 'home' is.
  • 04.06.2006 is searchable by style, size and price criteria. You can look at the plans, the 3D version or some views of the house, and then you can buy the A1 plans for a couple-a hundred Rand.
  • 04.06.2006 Animated gifs and how to use them correctly. The PC way to use gifs.
  • 04.05.2006 Librans, another half-dozen added to the survey.
  • 04.04.2006 Silly Signage was added to Visual Trivia
  • 04.04.2006 WC3 Link checker, chuck any other one you have, this one does the whole website, it takes a bit of time, but wow. I have checked all the links on my site, at length.
  • 04.04.2006 British Design Museum is well-organized. tons of pics, searchable, by name of designer.

March 2006 [16 entries]

  • 03.31.2006 Art Margins on Polish women conceptual artists, feminist, political and philosophical filmic art in Poland. The Brooklyn Rail is a critical magazine.
  • 03.31.2006 Monika Weiss is a multimedia artist, evocative. Her website is the definition of the comprehensive site, although it is stark. I guess to complement her stark, emotional art.
  • 03.31.2006 Wings at University of South Florida has women-centered mediated, illustrative, international news audio files.
  • 03.31.2006 Linda Dement is a radical feminist digital artist. Pussiesgalore.
  • 03.31.2006 Kathy Acker was a radical post-feminist and post-punk author, bisexual, Jewish, literary terrorist.
  • 03.31.2006 Zofia Kulik is a feminist and political artist, although confining her in these boxes could be Pandoraic.
  • 03.31.2006 The Monstrous Feminine is lecturer Kathleen Nichols' Pittsburg University site. She has collected articles, interviews and photos of artworks from all over on the post-modern feminists ~ you know, the ones that are still alive...
  • 03.31.2006 Katie Rice is a girl-drawing cartoonist and among blonde sweet girls includes cross black-haired girls.
  • 03.23.2006 Siclets gained 'whatedy'.
  • 03.16.2006 Bridgewater State University Women's Studies Program has an online journal, written by real people about real stuff. Among so many other extraordinary articles, I ask, who can resist reading this article by Nicole Rodie, 'Uneasy Transvestism? Fashioning a Space for the Single Woman in Sex and the City'.
  • 03.14.2006 Streaming audio for Tiger users, for the Mac OSX 10.4. For the companies that go blank when you say the word 'Mac' and for the strugglers that want to listen to the radio online.
  • 03.09.2006 defunker ships their T-shirts to anywhere. They print onto non-sweat-shop, American-made T-shirts and they started the site to support the artists that want to use this medium for their message.
  • 03.09.2006 Web innovations, a bow, not a curtsy. Interestingly, 'curtsy' only appears on the internet 174,000 times. Mmm, maybe one day it will disappear altogether.
  • 03.09.2006 Urban Dictionary is an internet-community-made dictionary of slang (slang is just a whistlestop on the way to entrenchment in the lexicon). Great info architecture. Great slogan 'Define your world', which I like because as a woman this opportunity has been denied to me in so many forums.
  • 03.09.2006 Joblistings is a collection of places where people like me should hang out when we are dreaming about alternative jobs. In Infoholism section because it's collecting info for info's sake.
  • 03.09.2006 Phrases that appeal to me has been added to the siclets page. Sometimes just reading a superb phrase is frissonnic.

February 2006 [10 entries]

  • 02.28.2006 Etymological curiosities is, naturally, a list of things I find curious and might not be to everyone's taste. On the whole I am interested in the phenomenon that any word that has anything remotely to do with 'woman' becomes pejorative. Of course, I get distracted by other bits.
  • 02.27.2006 is an exercise in opening minds. If you ever thought gender didn't matter you have to try this out. It takes a page and swops the genders out.
  • 02.23.2006 Bathroompleasures had me rolling in my chair, eyes streaming,
  • 02.23.2006 Bags have been added to Imaginative graphic design.
  • 02.22.2006 Mel Seesholtz has been added to my favorite people. A prolific columnist for Counterbias. Gay and sharp.
  • 02.22.2006 Statistics, as irrelevant as they are, have been added on the rate of Christian divorce.
  • 02.22.2006 Dan Savage on how insidiously language controls our thinking - that a homophile would equate 'lame' and 'gay'.
  • 02.21.2006 Statistics about American pets
  • 02.20.2006 Marshmallow snowmen, a recipe.
  • 02.19.2006 Dan Savage has some simple advice, so stop traumatizing for weeks and talking to everyone and writing to agony columns, and smoking thousands of cigarettes and crying in the bathroom. Just remember: WHEN A FRIEND TRIES TO HIDE SOMETHING PERVY THAT THEY DID BUT YOU CAUGHT THEM OUT AND YOU DON''T KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO THEM. THIS GUY WAS CAUGHT BY A GIRL WHO WOKE UP TO FIND THIS GUY MASTURBATING WITH HIS FINGER UP HIS BUTT OVER HER BOYFRIEND.
    You're afraid to confront your friend because it would make him uncomfortable. But he did something deeply creepy that made you uncomfortable. So why not lob the discomfort back into his court? He may blame the booze, insist he doesn't remember, or tell you he sleepwanks, but he needs to know he was spotted.

January 2006 [28 entries]

  • 01.09.2006 Encounter Africa has all the gen about how to best experience South African culture. Urban walking tours intrigue me. I once went on a tour with guide Peter Rich - it was really memorable. It's a site for tourists, but it has a section for us locals.
  • 01.08.2006 Apartheid Museum has a totally gorgeous site, more like going to the movies than surfing. So professionally done. I have never (and I know you think I am exaggerating again) seen anything so beautiful. And yes, you would be wrong, again. The Mousefollower is to die for.
  • 01.08.2006 Imaginative graphic design got the Grin Multimedia logo added.
  • 01.06.2006 unIVA xspace is a database of programmer-artists. Interactivity is the way we postmodernists think, so it is strange that these artists control time, make you sit and wait, galleryesque for the most part, passive. Added to my digital art database.
  • 01.03.2006 Dan Savage got an addition about Meconium and Thongs.
  • 01.03.2006 Imaginative graphic design got the Vega Moon logo added. Designed by Katty.
  • 01.02.2006 Veerle speaks in normal English and is thorough, provides Apple Mac, Microsoft and PC info and blogs about issues. She knows tons of stuff and shares.
  • 01.01.2006 The Gay Agenda is what might be confused with a hidden agenda by certain unsavory elements of society.
  • 01.01.2006 Why can't I own a Canadian? A sincere letter to Bible-puncher Dr Laura
  • 01.01.2006 Good advice for any situation "If you're losing a tug-of-war with a tiger, give him the rope before he gets to your arm. You can always buy a new rope!"
    Max Gunther, financial guru
  • 01.01.2006 Funny stuff: Eggcorns gained some more sexist witticisms from emails doing the rounds.
  • 01.31.2006 knows how to make bullet points, his are fleshy but his selections are those of a true manic depressive (I don't know if he is one). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People expanded, exploded.
  • 01.31.2006 Arts and Letters Daily is pop culture and serious culture combined. But the thing to get excited about is the divine way this site is architectured. The short intro with the invitation to read more, the emboldened point, the two-coloredness pares a huge quantity of information into simple units, the quicklinks to all the original newspaperson the left.
  • 01.31.2006 Astrological chart added to the Ultimate Survey About Me. Very interesting, but unless you are me, you would not want to read it for hours and hours. Only narcissism justifies that sort of time-wastage.
  • 01.31.2006 Radio ADSL usage: Listening to 702 Talk Radio at 16KBps over the internet between 08h00 and 17h00 costs 62MB per day and over your average working month of 25 days, will cost 1550GB.
  • 01.30.2006 Brain teasers doing the rounds on email.
  • 01.26.2005 is a huge collection of all things lesbian in the media, who, what, where, when, what time? Their slogan says it all - Because Visibility Matters. also has a regularly-updated page with lesbian rolemodels in the news.
  • 01.26.2006 I had to raise my eyebrow at Mike Savage's neologisms (later ~ his neologism link was removed from Wikipedia (ptuie) and reposted at BillionQuotes. Here is the Wikipedia entry on Mike Savage). I wonder how close they are to racism, sexism and any other kind of ism? How do American Conservatives justify this to themselves during confession?
  • 01.13.20056 Oprah Winfrey doesn't winge, she gets off her butt and does something about it. She is endlessly criticised. So, if you land in a conversation with one of Oprah's dissenters, just turn to them and say, "OK, what have YOU done for the world lately?"
  • 01.13.2006 Jo Brand is a self-effacing, man-deriding comedian, but also serious actress and writer. I love her mouth more than life itself.
  • 01.13.2006 David Ho is a digital artist, moody, scary, fantastical, dark You have to go and see his website to see more, a lot more.
  • 01.13.2006 Ampersand has a feminist blog, but she is also a cartoonist. Radical, but not bashingly. That is what is so interesting about her, she sweets you up, while delivering the goods.
  • 01.11.2006 The Ultimate Survey About Me was informed of my Enneagram number, and I added a list people with my number.
  • 01.11.2006 Funny stuff gained some sexist witticisms from Rob Jones' Dotcom Gallery
  • 01.11.2006 Dan Savage has his say about cheating and a comprehensive list of the sites he has mentioned over time. Right at the bottom. If you haven't been to this page of mine before, beware. Click gently.
  • 01.09.2006 Digiguru is a web designer's beautifully organized self-promotion site, using color and icons as signifiers, all project info at a glance.
  • 01.09.2006 is a bunch of brief articles, sourced all over the universe, including real peoples' contributions. Better than the dry dates found in our schoolbooks twenty years ago, now including the history of culture and art and music and younameit. If you feel that you have to hunt down more detailed, formal information, the South African Society of Archivists collection of Archive resources can lead you off on a several-hour tangent.
  • 01.09.2006 gives industry info on job search, festivals and whatnot.

December 2005 [20 entries]

  • 12.15.2005 Library of Congress has webcasts, and tons of other stuff. Includes an online digital picture catalogue of American culture that you can search. Some pictures in the public domain are available for free to download an up to 24MB version. Pictures not in the public domain can be ordered in various ways. Here is the picture that tore my South African heart - called Slave Pen. For Ameriphiles and Ameriphobes.
  • 12.15.2005 bell hooks is leathermanic about gangsta rap and The Piano. Nothing escapes her keen mind. A Libran, too, I might add... (half-closed eyes, told-you-so grin and proud puffing of the chest).
  • 12.15.2005 ZMagazine (gone offline) impressed me so much because they published the article by bell hooks on gangsta rap (although their archives don't go back far enough for me to supply the direct link, ironically), that I now trawl their archives regularly. They must be non-conformist publishers, I reckon.
  • 12.14.2005 Dan Savage some updating about role-playing. Right at the bottom. If you haven't been to this page of mine before, beware. Click gently.
  • 12.13.2005 Movie-holism: The Banger Sisters is irreverent and iconic.
  • 12.13.2005 Imaginative graphic design has ancient additions that I collected before I had a webpage. springclean emergent.
  • 12.13.2005 Visual Trivia has been updated and that resulted in incessant giggling over Engrish.
  • 12.13.2005 Time's 50 Coolest Websites 2005 is lookatable.
  • 12.12.2005 Tee Design Costume Culture is art that happens to be for T-Shirts. Canvasses are so old-fashioned. It's all in the detail.
  • 12.09.2005 Postsecret by a blogger that invited people to post their secret on one side of a postcard, scanned the postcards and posted them here, and made a book. Postart.
  • 12.07.2005 Google Alerts says why search, just have the stuff you are into delivered to you, something like RSS, like surfing remotely. Quick and easy.
  • 12.07.2005 Andy Garcia is an actor, 'the thinking woman's sex symbol', yep, I am doing the predictable. He knows it and he knows we know it and he doesn't care that we know that he knows that he is doing that gentle man (sic) thing on purpose.
  • 12.06.2005 Feminism had to be re-organized - it burst its seams.
  • 12.06.2005 Beauty, cosmetic surgery and the oppression of women is an article by Julie Bindel about Sheila Jeffreys book Beauty And Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices In The West. Bindel's review is engaged and engaging.
  • 12.06.2005 is the perfect website, honestly. I know you think I am exaggerating, but you would be WRONG. Organized, beautiful-ish, comprehensive, pertinent. It is rare, but this is a site that you should put on your favorites bar, and not in your favorites menu.
  • 12.06.2005 Ian Wright I added a paragraph about this peculiar Globe Trekker presenter. Something about a Roman loo in Tripoli. Giggle.
  • 12.05.2005 Science fiction genres I am starting a list, they are starting to become difficult to distinguish.
  • 12.02.2005 Gay marriage by Steph Mineart. I am including this to celebrate the fact that the South African Constitutional Court has just announced that the current South African laws are unconsitutional and that the legislative arm of our government has one year to fix it that gays can marry. Just in case you wanted to know.
  • 12.02.2005 Movie-holism: In the Cut is a murder movie, by Jane Campion, with Meg Ryan. Oh yes. You think I am lying, hey?
  • 12.02.2005 The Ultimate Survey about me updated with all the new questions Steph Mineart suggested. Except that I lost my temper right near the end and ranted and raged. So spare yourself if you are in a good mood.

November 2005 [19 entries]

  • 11.30.2005 Jenna Elfman is a favorite. She's one of the only three-dimensional actresses nowadays, in a sea of clones. Do they write the parts differently for her, or does she tweak them, I wonder?
  • 11.29.2005 Wish you were Here is one of my favorite songs and the only one I like of Pink Floyd, and now I find it's connected to Douglas Adams.
  • 11.29.2005 Douglas Adams was a funny and too-wise writer.
  • 11.29.2005 Google Book Search has a FAQ so that you can see what they have to say about copyright - but the bottom line is that we, the people, need to discover books, rekindle our joy, not substitute it with surfing. Compare to Questia if you have $90 lying around. $90 per year is not really a lot of money though.
  • 11.23.2005 Douglas Adams Memorial Towel Day (25 May): has been duly added to my iCal to come up with a loud Basso sound the day before - to remind me to bring my towel.
  • 11.21.2005 Survey about me: added some women to the list of people born under Libra - Mary Daly is one of them.
  • 11.21.2005 Movie: Mothman Prophecies, labrys thwarted.
  • 11.21.2005 Funny stuff that does the rounds, this one has genderized inanimate objects.
  • 11.15.2005 Siclets are Tanya-generated words, finally nestling together.
  • 11.15.2005 Movie: In her Shoes shows sisterhood in the proximity of elbows.
  • 11.08.2005 WeFail is a group of people who got together to point out to us in a digitally advanced way that we are kakky human beings.
  • 11.08.2005 SoFake made WeFail and tons of other stuff, and their website does that infinite scoping thing. I wonder if they invented that, I have seen it somewhere else. Where though?
  • 11.08.2005 ArtProstitute is an eclectic art news source, and I adore the way the whole intro page is arranged like a giant infoholic's teaser. Inspired coding.
  • 11.08.2005 The Language of New Media tracks the history of computers, from Babbage to Eisenstein and, whoops, onto the internet. Visual articles, keyword sentences, and essays. Depends on your attention span, or the amount of time you have available.
  • 11.03.2005 Statistics, rape statistics in America. The infoholic's refuge. I do really, really understand the unrealiability of statistics. And I really, really think of this page as entertainment. Really.
  • 11.03.2005 Mary Daly, feminist that I like. Some Precised notes, and the dirt on her Resistance.
  • 11.03.2005 Statistics, feminist bits.
  • 11.01.2005 Ansisters, I am published elsewhere, on business writing.
  • 11.01.2005 Dreams of a new housie. You have to have a dream, so that the idea of lying on your deathbed with this pile of dreams-unrealized towering over you, so that you can do something about it.

October 2005 [7 entries]

September 2005 [6 entries]

{Tanya Pretorius' Bookmarks: Old (dated additions to my site)}


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